The Reading Levels and Academic Performance of Sophomore Students of Centro Escolar University, Philippines

Coquia, Dr. Flordeliza E.
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Today, everyone is expected to learn to read, and literacy is essential for survival. The world is complicated and a competitive one; to stay in it comfortably, one needs understanding. To understand more than the individual experiences can teach to deal with modern society and technology, that is, on terms better than those of primitive man-one must able to get and give information. The harsh fact is that most information is still passed through the written word, and anyone who finds reading difficult is seriously handicapped in the civilized struggle for a place in the world.

This study tried to find out whether factors such as sex, birth order and father and mother’s educational attainment have significant correlation to the reading levels in terms of vocabulary, comprehension, speed and accuracy and to the academic performance of the respondents.

Correlation, descriptive and survey methods were used in interpreting the data gathered from the 624 respondents.

It was found out that factors such as sex, birth order and father and mother’s educational attainment greatly influenced the reading levels and academic performance of the respondents. The geographical setting also influenced their reading levels and their academic performance in English.

Structuring a reading program supervised by expert reading teachers is a measure that can be utilized to increase the vocabulary, comprehension and speed and accuracy level of the students in the urban and rural areas.


Keywords: reading process, vocabulary, comprehension, speed, and accuracy.


 Academic Profile

Dr. Flordeliza Coquia is a faculty of Centro Escolar University, Manila Campus.

Article Information

Centro Escolar University, Philippines