Imaginary Transaction and Syntactic Linearity of Rudyard Kipling’s Poesy

Cotejo, Donna Grace I.
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Kipling’s poetry helps students understand a poetic piece in a more meaningful way to analyze how and why it is being said. This research analyzes the form and meaning of Rudyard Kipling’s select poems: “The Idiot Boy”“I Keep Six Honest…”, and “Mother O’ Mine” to express life’s humanistic uplift through their versical-linguistic constructs. Specifically, it focuses on the following aspects of persona-vision-addressee imaginary transaction, stanzaic-syntactic linearity through immediate constituents; and a creative poetic write-back. The results show impulsiveness and recklessness of the youth in “The Idiot Boy”, the curious proud journalist in the “I Keep Six Honest…”, and the son’s security and delight of his mother’s unconditional love of the “Mother O’ Mine”. They have been retrieved with their idealized structures and have followed syntactic segmentation linearity through immediate constituent analysis identifying each sentence in the poems as simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. The Creative Poetic Write-Back is explained following persona-vision-addressee, syntactic structures and teaching process. The findings affirm life’s significant human experiences as reflected in the poems’ syntactic structures.  These call for further studies of poetry analysis and linguistic constrΰcts.


Keywords: Literature, Syntactic Linearity, R. Kipling, Imaginary Transaction, Immediate Constituent Analysis

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Cebu Normal University